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Sustainability and Environmental Engineering

Study your master at UCT Prague

This Master study programme is primarily designed for applicants from abroad. Students are required to pay a tuition fee. All courses are conducted in English. The study programme is accredited by the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and are in accordance with Bologna Process - European Higher Education Area requirements.


Sustainability and Environmental Engineering

Sustainability and Environmental Engineering

The programme prepares experts with expert knowledge of environmental chemistry, microbiology, hydrobiology, water and atmosphere technologies, decontamination technologies, and waste handling technologies. The interdisciplinary character of this programme prepares graduates for careers in all areas related to environmental protection and engineering. The programme provides students with a comprehensive knowledge of environmental protection and engineering, including air, water, and soil protection. The programme emphasizes expert education about waste production from both industrial and municipal sources and concentrates on the prevention and minimization of waste production, on waste utilization and reprocessing, waste removal, and assessment of environmental impacts. An important part of the programme is devoted to water technologies and air protection technologies. The programme also includes education about industrial toxicology, ecotoxicology, environmental analysis, decontamination technologies, and environmentally-oriented legislation.


Graduates are prepared for careers in process engineering, research and development, design, and production control. They can also serve as experts to administrative and supervisory bodies, rescue services, and waste handling and reprocessing plants. They can also work as secondary school teachers. Graduates of this programme are highly flexible and gain the skills necessary to adapt easily to changes in the job market.

Programme Details

Study Language English
Duration 2 years
Form of study full-time , other
Place of study Praha
Capacity 10 students
Programme code (national) N0712A130006
Programme Code (internal) AN208

UCT Prague

UCT Prague's campus
UCT Prague's Lecture hall
UCT Prague neighbourhood
UCT Prague's laboratory

Updated: 31.1.2021 02:06, Author: Jan Kříž

UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
Identification No.: 60461373
VAT: CZ60461373

Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of Communication. Technical support by the Computing Centre.

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