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Health Insurance: Full-time Degree Students

Non-EU Nationals

Students from most non-EU countries must submit proof of medical insurance as a part of their visa application to the respective Czech Embassy/Consulate.

  • The health insurance must cover the entire stay in the Czech Republic
  • The health insurance benefit limit for one insurance event must be at least EUR 400 000, that being without insurance retention on the amount of the given costs
  • The insurance policy must cover costs in the event of providing necessary and urgent health care including the costs associated with transport or, in the case of the student's death, those associated with transferring his/her physical remains to the state that issued the travel document or to another state in which he/she has a residence permit  
  • The insurance policy must not exclude coverage for injuries and damage caused by the student's intentional acts, injuries and damage caused by the fault or contributory fault on the part of the student, and injuries and damage caused by the consumption of alcohol, narcotics and psychotropic substances by the student


Please visit the website of the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic to learn the requirements of travel/comprehensive medical insurance.  


Note that the costs of the travel medical insurance valid for a year may be around 1000 EUR.


As a result of being parties to the International Treaty on Cooperation in the Area of Health and Social Security, medical travel insurance is not required from citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Cuba, Japan, Macedonia, Montenegro, Turkey, and Serbia. The same exception applies to participants of the Erasmus Mundus program, Fulbright scholarship program, European Voluntary Service of the EC Youth in Action programme, as well as holders of the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) issued by another EU member state and a GHIC card issued by the UK.



    Health insurance for Erasmus Mundus students is arranged within the Erasmus Mundus programme. 

    IMETE – The health insurance information will be provided by the coordinating institution IHE Delft. 

    IMATEC – The health insurance is arranged by UCT Prague. Students will be provided with detailed information and health certificates by the admission officer. For the cohorts starting their studies in the academic years 2024–2028 the following health insurance conditions apply:


    EU Nationals

    Registration of European Health Insurance Card 


    Who EU nationals & holders of EHIC (blue health insurance card)
    What to do Register your EHIC with a Czech health insurance company VZP

    You will be assigned a so-called “health insurance number”

    and the coverage of expenses for your medical treatments can be extended

    How Visit the health insurance company in your home country & visit VZP in Czechia


    If you are a European Union national and a holder of the blue European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), we strongly advise you to register your health insurance card with a Czech health insurance company VZP (Všeobecná zdravotní pojišťovna).

    It is recommended to do this as soon as possible after arrival and not wait until you are not feeling well.
    Registration can be done online. See the guideline and download the registration form.



    Having a blue European health insurance card entitles you to medically necessary healthcare in the Czech Republic. Make sure to have the EHIC with you all the time.

    After arrival to the Czech Republic, you can register your EHIC with a Czech health insurance company.
    It is advised to go with VZP (Všeobecná zdravotní pojišťovna) as this state health insurance company cooperates with almost all doctors in the Czech Republic which means that the medically necessary expenses of your medical treatment shall be covered without any issue.

    Registering your EHIC in the Czech Republic will make it easier for the insurance company to bill your medical expenses to the health insurance company in your home country. You will also be assigned a “health insurance number” which will make it easier for doctors to look up your medical files.

    You will receive an insurance card stating “Lékařsky nezbytná péče” = medical necessary healthcare:

      ◳ Card_Lekarsky nezbytna pece (jpg) → (šířka 215px)

    Note that treatments exceeding the necessary medical health care will be billed separately and may be very expensive!



    It is also possible to register for full healthcare. In such a case you have to visit a branch of your health insurance company in your home country and fill in the so-called S1 Form. In some countries, your health insurance company will do the process online and send the form automatically to the Czech Republic, in some other countries, you will be given a hard copy of the form to submit in person in the Czech Republic.

    Once you arrive in the Czech Republic, visit a branch of VZP health insurance company. You will be assigned a “health insurance number”, and you will receive an insurance card stating that you are entitled to “Plná péče” = full health care.

     ◳ Card_Plna pece (jpg) → (šířka 215px)

    Then when visiting a doctor, take both your EHIC and the yellow insurance card with you.

    Don’t forget to bring your passport with you when visiting the branch of VZP.

    Students from Turkey

    Students from Turkey need to take to the Czech health insurance company office the paper they have received from their health insurance provider in Turkey and register it as well.


    Finding a General Practitioner in the Czech Republic

    After you arrive in the Czech Republic, you shall find a general practitioner – a doctor who can help you if you get ill during your stay. 

    Once you register your EHIC / once you get your health insurance card for non-EU nationals, you shall contact your Czech health insurance company and require a list of available general practitioners. (Note that it may happen that some of the doctors listed on the list might not register you due to the lack of English language skills.)

    To be registered by a general practitioner's office, you will need to undergo an entrance health examination – to do so, the general practitioner may need you to provide your medical history (copies of documents issued by your general practitioner in your home country.)

    You may also need to pay a registration fee. 

    Once you are registered by a general practitioner's office in case of illness you always need to visit that general practitioner. He/she will provide you with a recipe for medicament. 

    Updated: 26.8.2024 12:38, Author: Department of International Relations

    UCT Prague
    Technická 5
    166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
    Identification No.: 60461373
    VAT: CZ60461373

    Copyright: UCT Prague
    Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of Communication. Technical support by the Computing Centre.

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