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You are here: UCT Praguestudy.vscht.cz → Bachelor & Master Programmes in English → Master Programmes in English → Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering
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Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering

Study your master at UCT Prague

This Master study programme is primarily designed for applicants from abroad. Students are required to pay a tuition fee. All courses are conducted in English. The study programme is accredited by the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and are in accordance with Bologna Process - European Higher Education Area requirements.


Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering

Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering

Chemical engineering concerns itself with the transformation and processing of raw materials into useful products that we encounter in our everyday lives (e.g., packaging, plastics, food, medicine). As a chemical engineer, you will learn to understand, describe, and model various processes to design, manage, and optimize the necessary production equipment for efficient, economical, safe, and environmentally friendly process operation. You can participate in developing new materials or unique technologies based on tailored functional properties of micro- and nanostructures. An integral part of the programme involves laboratory work, during which you will conduct specific research projects. Numerous possibilities for excursions and internships will bring you the opportunity to visit the top companies in the field where you can continue your professional career after graduation.


Programme website



  • A key contributor to research and development activities
  • Corporate management
  • Engineer at chemical and biotechnology companies
  • Engineer at food companies
  • Environmental protection
  • Start-ups
  • International labor market
  • Doctoral studies

Programme Details

Study Language English
Duration 2 years
Form of study full-time , other
Place of study Praha
Capacity 10 students
Programme code (national) N0711A130018
Programme Code (internal) AN406

UCT Prague

UCT Prague's campus
UCT Prague's Lecture hall
UCT Prague neighbourhood
UCT Prague's laboratory

Updated: 31.1.2021 02:40, Author: Jan Kříž

UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
Identification No.: 60461373
VAT: CZ60461373

Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of Communication. Technical support by the Computing Centre.

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