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Chemistry, Technology and Materials

Study your master at UCT Prague

This Master study programme is primarily designed for applicants from abroad. Students are required to pay a tuition fee. All courses are conducted in English. The study programme is accredited by the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and are in accordance with Bologna Process - European Higher Education Area requirements.


Chemistry, Technology and Materials

Chemistry, Technology and Materials

Master Programme, Faculty of Chemical Technology

The study programme “Chemistry, Technology, and Materials” consists of two specializations, “Chemistry and Chemical Technology” and “Materials Chemistry and Technology”. This programme is designed as a follow-up Master programme (culminating with a Master degree and the Czech title Ing., the equivalent of an MSc.). The programmes builds upon prior education of graduates with bachelor degrees (Bc.) from the UCT Prague “Chemistry and Technology” bachelor programme or an equivalent bachelor programme at a university or comparable institution abroad. The programme is taught in English (requiring, at a minimum, B2 level English language skills) and is designed for students that cannot or do not wish to enrol in a Czech language programme.


Students from the programme graduate with one of two specializations, “Chemistry and Chemical Technology” or “Materials Chemistry and Technology”, and are well qualified for positions in the chemical industry and all materials-oriented sectors. The Czech title Ing. (equivalent to an MSc.) is the most acknowledged title for highly-qualified professionals in production plants, especially technologists and production managers, as well as for applied research and development (R&D) and supervisory quality control (QC) positions. Due to the solid and sufficiently general foundation in chemistry, technology, and materials, graduates of this programme are well prepared for choosing careers that are close to, but not necessarily identical with, their specializations. Of course, an added bonus of this English programme is the fact that graduates are well prepared to enter highly competitive and dynamic European and worldwide job markets. It goes without saying that graduates of this English programme are also optimally prepared for Ph.D. studies and subsequent academic careers in Chemistry, Materials Science, and related fields anywhere in Europe or in other English-speaking countries.

Specialisation - Chemistry and Chemical Technology

In addition to this common programme foundation, with a Chemistry and Chemical Technology specialization, students focus on organic synthesis, retrosynthesis, process design, molecular spectroscopy, and several more specialized topics (catalysis, transition metals in organic synthesis, and so on). Students can also select a Master Double Degree in Applied Chemistry according to a bilateral agreement between the UCT Prague, Czech Republic, and the University of Burgundy in Dijon, France. This double degree requires one year abroad and one year at the home university.
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Specialisation - Materials Chemistry and Technology

With the “Materials Chemistry and Technology” specialization, students graduate with a thorough foundation in chemistry and physics of solids, microstructure-property relations, crystal chemistry, spectroscopic and microscopic characterization of materials, and mechanics of materials, and can simultaneously focus more specifically on a material class of their choice (metals, polymers, glass, or ceramics).
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Programme Details

Study Language English
Duration 2 years
Form of study full-time
Place of study Praha
Capacity 10 students
Programme code (national) N0711A130004
Programme Code (internal) N107

UCT Prague

UCT Prague's campus
UCT Prague's Lecture hall
UCT Prague neighbourhood
UCT Prague's laboratory

Updated: 31.1.2021 01:48, Author: Jan Kříž

UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
Identification No.: 60461373
VAT: CZ60461373

Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of Communication. Technical support by the Computing Centre.

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