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iduzel: 68001
idvazba: 82315
šablona: stranka
čas: 16.9.2024 18:55:34
verze: 5476
remoteAPIs: https://studuj-api.cis.vscht.cz/cms/plan?weburl=/bachelor-master-information/master-programmes
branch: trunk
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domena: 'study.vscht.cz'
jazyk: 'en'
url: '/bachelor-master-information/master-programmes/plan/locale/en/22900/AN901'
iduzel: 68001
path: 1/562/746/12860/51278/68001
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Sectoral Management

Students select one of the following specializations:

Common Subjects

There are the subjects common to all specializations, not a complete study plan.

1 study year

Fall semester

Compulsory programme subjects
Code Subject Title L/Ex/Lab Examination Credits
AM501001 Statistical Analysis 2 / 2 / - Z+Zk 6
AM501003 Project Management 2 / 2 / - Z+Zk 6
AM501004 Marketing Management 2 / 2 / - Z+Zk 6
AM501012 Financial Management 2 / 2 / - Z+Zk 6

Spring semester

Compulsory programme subjects
Code Subject Title L/Ex/Lab Examination Credits
AM501005 Microeconomic Theory 2 / - / - Zk 3
AM501006 HR Management Systems 2 / 2 / - Z+Zk 6
AM501010 Efficiency Assessment and Management Control Systems 2 / 2 / - Z+Zk 6

2 study year

Fall semester

Compulsory programme subjects
Code Subject Title L/Ex/Lab Examination Credits
AM501007 Macroeconomic Theory 2 / - / - Zk 3
AM501008 Managerial Decision-making 2 / 2 / - Z+Zk 6
AM501013 Strategic Management 2 / 2 / - Z+Zk 6

Spring semester

Compulsory programme subjects
Code Subject Title L/Ex/Lab Examination Credits
AM501009 Diploma Thesis - / 18 / - Z 18

Any study year

Fall semester

Spring semester

Updated: 18.12.2022 10:05, Author: Jan Kříž

UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
Identification No.: 60461373
VAT: CZ60461373

Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of Communication. Technical support by the Computing Centre.

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