The University of Chemistry and Technology consists of 3 buildings (A, B, C) on the campus of Dejvice in Prague 6. We recommend using the university application EMIL (Android | Apple) for better navigation on the UCT premises.
Central Laboratories at the University of Chemistry and Technology are located in building A and B and consist of the following laboratories:
- Laboratory of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy
- Laboratory of Infra-Red (IR) and Raman Spectroscopy
- Laboratory of Mass Spectrometry (MS)
- Laboratory of X-ray Diffractometry and Spectrometry
- Laboratory of Thermal-Gravimetric Analysis (TGA)
- Laboratory of Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS)
- Laboratory of Organic Elemental Analysis
- Laboratory of Surface Analysis
- Laboratory of transmission electron microscopy
Laboratories provide research background for students, professors, and research staff, and are equipped with modern and top-level instrumentation. The laboratory staff is experienced in routine as well as specialized experiments. The services of Central Laboratories are used for grants, industrial applications, or student projects, as well as are offered to external customers (universities, private companies, and others).
Central Laboratories staff teach several courses, seminars, workshops, and other for members of the UCT Prague community. The courses include practical skills as well as spectra interpretation.
Computer Rooms
Computer rooms are located in building B. Use EMIL (Android | Apple) maps to find the rooms.
- Ground floor (opposite Respirium)
- First floor, room B13
- Basement, rooms BS4 and BS5
There are also computer labs for students in their faculty departments.
Copy Center
The Copy Center provides printing and scanning services. The price of printing a black and white page is 0,9 CZK and the price of a color page is 6,5 CZK.
If you need to print a document, you can do so at the self-service printers located in the Copy Center in building B. You can find the Copy Center, if from the main entrance door in building B, you go to the right-side hallway, you pass the Respirium, and continue to the first staircase. You will see a sign Kopírovací centrum at the column of the staircase, and you need to go one floor down. You will find the Copy Center behind the gray door.
The printers are connected to all computers in adjacent classrooms, the study room, and virtual classrooms.
Printing requires the inserting of money on your ISIC or university card (done by the copy center staff). Note that there are separate "wallets" in your ISIC / university cards, which means, that with the money put on the card in the Copy Center, you cannot pay in the canteens and vice-versa.
- Location: Building B, basement S82
- Opening hours: Mon– Thu 8:00–16:00 | Fri 8:00–15:00
Library ChemTK
The UCT Prague Library, ChemTK, is housed in the National Library of Technology (NTK), opposite building A.
You can register at the NTK registration desk on the ground floor of the library with your valid ISIC/university card and your national ID Card or passport.
The UCT Prague Library was one of the first chemistry-oriented institutions in Europe to install the electronic version of Chemical Abstracts on its local network. This resource provides constantly updated information dating back more than 20 years. Beilstein's Handbuch and Gmelins Handbuch, which cover the fields of organic and inorganic chemistry from the very beginnings of scientific chemistry at the end of the eighteenth century up to the present day, are now available via the CrossFire database in practically every UCT Prague workplace.
It houses more than 100 000 volumes of books, handbooks, encyclopedias, periodicals, and other publications. Together with access to electronic sources, the UCT Library represents the largest chemical library in the Czech Republic and one of the largest libraries in Central Europe.
UCT Prague Press
The UCT Prague Press publishes a number of scientific books, textbooks, and other publications in Czech and English. You can use the online catalog of publications and buy the books in a bookshop which is located at the National Library of Technology.
Study Breaks
Respirium is a relaxation zone and a popular meeting place for students on the ground floor of building B, especially during breaks. You can study there, enjoy a chat with your friends, have a snack, or just hang around and meet new friends.
You can find the second Respirium relaxation zone on the first floor of building B close to the entrance door from Zikova street, in room B2302.
Club Carbon
Club Carbon is a non-smoking student café in the basement of building B designed to be a modern and friendly place to meet with your fellow students and teachers.
There are two university canteens on the campus. When using a university card / ISIC, students can get student discounts.
- Red Canteen (Menza Studentský dům): Bílá 6, Prague 6
- Blue Canteen (Technická menza): Jugoslávských partyzánů 3, Prague 6
There is a buffet on the ground floor in building A, and also a buffet next to the entrance door in building B. You can buy small refreshments, soft drinks or even soup there.